Witstock Launches WIPPS

Witstock Investor Portfolio Performance Services

The Fintech and Payments sectors are once again travelling through troubled waters as the aftermath of global lock downs and the effects of the war in Ukraine are being felt in the global economy. Investors in these businesses took their positions in easier times. Looking back over the last 10 years it’s been a period of huge creativity and dynamism sustained by epic levels of investment.

Some of the ideas that got funding were truly disruptive and have delivered results for founders, their customers and investors. Many have not and now that global headwinds are against them investors need help to boost the performance of their fintech and payment related assets. 

For the last 10 years Witstock has played its part in the industry and helped investors realise huge asset value growth by adding a small component of deep expertise in the form of experienced consultants that have also held senior executive positions.

This unique blend of expertise and hands-on leadership experience allows Witstock to deliver results for investors that are hard to achieve by any other means. We call it “portfolio steroids” or more formally Witstock Investor Portfolio Performance Services (WIPPS). Whatever you want to call it makes a positive difference to investor returns. 


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